our timeline



Baby Moselle and baby Kevin enter the world


Moselle and her family live in Ghana, where her father practices in medical missions. They have a pet monkey named “Nancy”.

Kevin resides in the Boston area with family.  They decide to get rid of his “rat tail” haircut around this time. Good decision.

THe 00’s


Kevin and Moselle meet while attending Oral Roberts University. People start pointing out the strange similarity between their last names (Stark/Starke)

They start dating…Awkward.


Moselle attends University of Missouri med school.  Moselle finds out she loves OB/GYN.

Kevin gets a Masters in Civil Engineering.

They get engaged while visiting Moselle’s parents in Niger, Africa. They research extensively to make sure they are NOT related.

They get married, and lots of paperwork is signed to rid Moselle of the silent E in her last name.

The Teens


Moselle does her OB/GYN residency training in Columbia, MO. She finds out she loves teaching other residents.

Ransom and Gideon are born. They have a dynamic chemistry.

Starks first hear about an OB/GYN residency program rumored to start in a hospital somewhere in Kenya.


Moselle becomes faculty at MU OB/GYN residency.

Family vision trip to Tenwek Hospital.

Shepherd is Born.

World Gospel Mission (WGM) appoints Starks as global workers.

Now + Future

2020 so far…

Starks move out of house to sell it.

Begin training and support raising.

Covid-19 hits the world and Moselle works a little longer than originally planned at the hospital

Moselle resigns from her doctor position to transition family into full-time preparation mode

100% monthly support raised, Praise God!

2020-2021 Future

November departure date is set to fly to Kenya. 

Once at Tenwek, the focus is family language training (Swahili), transition to daily life in Kenya, acclimation to Tenwek Hospital workplace, and prepping residency program for kickoff.


Tenwek OB/GYN residency program launches


Goal of 40+ OB/GYN’s from Tenwek and sister programs practicing and teaching throughout Africa